This is the third installment in Kuroneko-san Team's popular music action game series, which was lauded for its harmonious fusion of character- and music-based games.
The setting is the city of endless rain—Piova.
The story draws the player into a fragile and mysterious yet somehow strangely nostalgic world; to a city of never-ending rain and unbroken serenity.
Take note that this is just a preorder downpayment SKU. You are not yet paying for the final pricing/ SRP of the item. Final pricing will be announced closer to item's release. Below are additional details for your further reference:
Pre-order Downpayment: P500.00
Estimated SRP*: TBA
Tentative Release Date**: December 12, 2024
*Prices indicated are only estimates and can vary slightly upon release.
**The release date provided above is only preliminary and is subject to change.