One of the first heavily story-driven, action-adventure anime games for VR, The Tale of Onogoro invites players to a magical world full of puzzles, adventure, and combat, in a steampunk VR game.
Inspired by Japanese folklore, this uniquely Japanese VR action adventure throws you into a beautiful and immersive anime world.
- An adventure game for the VR age’ and a gorgeous game and with impressive presentation, superbly well-animated and with a steampunk look and feel
- The heart of the game is the puzzles; players will need to assist Haru in solving different puzzles of varying difficulty. Teamwork is key, as some objects can only be used by one of you!
- The game really excels with the combat against the humongous, Shadow of the Colossus-esque Kami As you explore the island of Onogoro, you face off in combat against these giant monsters in action-packed battles as you try to clean the island of all the evil