Marvel's Avengers is an epic, third-person, action-adventure game that combines an original, cinematic story with single-player and co-operative gameplay*. Assemble into a team of up to four players online, master extraordinary abilities, customize a growing roster of Heroes, and defend...
Marvel's Avengers is an epic, third-person, action-adventure game that combines an original, cinematic story with single-player and co-operative gameplay*. Assemble into a team of up to four players online, master extraordinary abilities, customize a growing roster of Heroes, and defend the Earth from escalating threats. In a future with Super Heroes outlawed, a young Kamala Khan must reassemble the Avengers to stop AIM. Marvel's Avengers continues the epic journey with new Heroes and new narrative delivered on an ongoing basis, for the definitive Avengers gaming experience.
Marvel’s Avengers will be available on September 4th, 2020 for PlayStation 4, plus PlayStation 5 owners can upgrade to the PS5 version of the game at no additional cost. Players can also enjoy cross-gen play between PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. Specific features and details to be shared at a later date.
Embrace Your Powers
Progress through the single player campaign to rebuild your Hero roster and restore their powers; then continue to battle AIM solo or online with friends.
Unlock powerful skills and new gear for each of Earth's Mightiest Heroes to suit your playstyle.
Customize these iconic Heroes with classic, fan-favorite, and all-new original outfits inspired by over 80 years of Marvel history.
Assemble Online
Using a reclaimed helicarrier as a base of operations, players launch Hero Missions (single-player) and Warzone Missions (single-player or co-op) in hotspots around the globe.
Up to four players assemble online to defend the Earth from escalating threats that only the Avengers can overcome.
The narrative will unfold on an ongoing basis, with new Super Heroes and regions delivered at no additional cost.
*One-time online access required for single-player campaign; online access required for multiplayer and to download post-launch content. Free Square Enix Members account required. Platform-specific online subscription fee may be required.
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