Resident Evil: Revelations 2, known as BIOHAZARD REVELATIONS 2 in Japan, is an upcoming entry into the Resident Evil franchise and second title in the newly-formed Revelations series. Formally announced at Sony's pre-TGS 2014 conference on September 1, 2014, the game is scheduled for a Japanese release sometime in early 2015. The game will be released episodically and is the first title in the series to have co-operative gameplay in the campaign without online support.
- Survival horror returns - A brand new tale in the Resident Evil Revelations saga comes to current and next generation gaming consoles in the form of weekly episodic downloads, a digital Complete Season and retail disc
- Experience the horror event of the season - Each weekly episode will feature hours of terrifying gameplay and dramatic cliffhangers to leave players eagerly anticipating the next twist in the gripping horror story
- Clare Redfield and Moira Burton star - Fan favorite Claire returns to the horrors that haunted her in the past alongside Moira Burton, daughter of Resident Evil legend Barry Burton
- Evil is watching - Set in what appears to be an abandoned detention facility on a remote island, the horror awaits players around every dark corner. Will there be a way to escape?
- A brand new type of enemy - Not as mindless as zombies, the scary design of the ‘Afflicted’ means they are able to move quickly and attack the player with basic weapons, making them a genuine threat to players’ survival
- Assistive co-op play - Players will need to switch between the two characters to overcome the nightmares in either single player mode with an AI partner or offline co-op. Utilize Moira’s torch to temporarily blind the enemy before Claire takes them out! Contact.