The massively popular and controversial reality show Duck Dynasty is now headed to the consoles! Players are promised with the chance to finally be part of the bearded, bandana wearing Robertsons!
Fans of the show will be pleased to know that the many story driven missions will focus on not only the hunting, fishing and racing seen on the show, but also on pranking and general mayhem. It is good to point out that for the wildlife action, this aspect of the game has been developed by the same people who worked on the Cabela's Hunting and Rapala's Fishing series.
And if this isn't enough, there is also the amazing, first person duck calling mechanic.
- Race in airboats across the Robertson family swampland
- Bring in ducks using a variety of calls and fire away!
- Help John Luke sneak past Willie in the warehouse using Uncle Si as a distractionDatablitz
- Spend time in the duck blinds with the Robertson